Entering markups for assemblies

Note: You can save the markup information without applying it to any assembly classes by clicking the Save button.

To enter markups for assemblies:

  1. Open 9-3 Assemblies.
  2. Enter the travel, technician, and assistant time on the Flat Rate tab.
  3. In the Options menu, select Update Flat Rate Assemblies.
  4. In the Apply to Class boxes, enter the range of assembly classes to which you want the markup rates to apply.
  5. Under Calculation Options, do any of the following:
    1. Select the Use new part prices checkbox to use the last cost from the part records.
    2. Select the Apply labor rates checkbox to assign the labor rates indicated under Labor Rates to all assemblies using flat rate billing.
    3. Select the Apply markups checkbox to assign the markup rates indicated under Markup Rates to all assemblies using flat rate billing.
  6. Under Labor Rates, do the following:
    1. In the Travel box, enter the hourly labor rate for travel time.
    2. In the Technician box, enter the hourly labor rate for a technician.
    3. In the Assistant box, enter the hourly labor rate for an assistant.
  7. Under Markup Rates, do the following:
    1. In the Material box, enter the markup rate for materials.
    2. In the Labor box, enter the markup rate for labor.
    3. In the Equipment box, enter the markup rate for equipment.
    4. In the Subcontract box, enter the markup rate for subcontracts.
    5. In the Other box, enter the markup rate for additional items.
    6. In the Travel box, enter the markup rate for travel.
    7. In the Technician box, enter the markup rate for the technician’s labor.
    8. In the Assistant box, enter the markup rate for the assistant’s labor.
    9. In the Miscellaneous box, enter the markup rate for miscellaneous items.
    10. In the Overhead box, enter the markup for overhead.
    11. In the Service Contract Discount box, enter the discount rate for clients with service contracts.
  8. Click Update Assemblies.